Starting a business in Ontario can be profitable if you have the right customer, knowledge, and mechanism to navigate the business efficiently. However, like every organized place, Ontario has rules, laws, and guidelines guiding business operations in the province. There are certain things you need to start a business n Ontario. If you are one of those asking, “What do I need to start a business in Ontario?” This article will be beneficial to you.

You will get to know all you need to start a business in Ontario and the steps to take as you go further into the article.

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Seun’s Top Pick

Business In Ontario

  • Starting a business in Ontario can be profitable if you have the right customer, knowledge, and mechanism to navigate the business efficiently.
  • You will get to know all you need to start a business in Ontario and the steps to take as you go further into the article.

What Do I Need To Start A Business In Ontario

Below is a general outline of the key things you’ll need to do to start your business:

  1. Business Idea:

Before considering starting a business, you must have a viable business idea. Ensure you research the market to understand your target audience, competitors, and potential demand for your product or service.

  1. Business Plan:

A solid business plan is crucial for attracting investors or obtaining loans. Develop a detailed business plan stating your goals, target market, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plan to get a solid business plan.

  1. Business Name:

A business name is a significant thing you need to start a business in Ontario. Choose a unique and appropriate name for your business. Ensure that the name is not already in use and complies with Ontario’s naming rules.

  1. Business Structure:

You can’t start a business in Ontario without first deciding on the legal structure of your business. Common options include sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, and cooperative. Note that each structure has its own legal and tax implications.

  1. Register Your Business:

If you’re operating under a name different from yours, you’ll need to register your business name with the Province of Ontario. The master business license you get after registration usually gives you the go-ahead to start your business.

  1. Permits and Licenses:

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need specific permits, licenses, or certifications to operate legally. Check with the provincial and municipal authorities to ensure compliance.

  1. Business Number:

Register for a Business Number (BN) if you plan to hire employees, charge GST/HST, or have other tax-related requirements.

  1. Hiring Employees:

If you have a plan to hire employees, familiarize yourself with the employment laws, obligations, and regulations in Ontario. You’ll need to set up payroll and provide the necessary employment documents.

  1. Taxation and Finances:

Understand your tax obligations, including income tax, sales tax (GST/HST), and payroll taxes. Keep accurate financial records and consider hiring an accountant to help manage your finances.

  1. Insurance:

You need insurance when starting a business in Ontario to protect your business against potential risks and liabilities

  1. Bank Account:

One business bank account to separate your personal and business finances.

  1. Intellectual Property:

If your business involves unique products, services, or branding, consider trademarking or patenting your intellectual property.

This is a general overview, and the requirements may vary depending on your industry and business type. It’s essential to consult with a business advisor or legal professional to get personalized advice tailored to your specific situation.

Step-by-Step Procedure to Start a Business in Ontario

Starting a business in Ontario involves several steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

Business Idea and Research:

Identify a viable business idea that aligns with the market demand, your skills, and interest. Also, do thorough market research to understand your target audience, competitors, and industry trends.

After that, develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your business goals, marketing strategies, financial projections, and operational plan.

Register Your Business:

If you are using a business name other than your own, register it with the Province of Ontario. Sole proprietors and partnerships can register Onatario ONe-Key, while corporations must incorporate with the province.

Get Permits and Licenses:

Determine if your business requires specific permits or licenses to operate legally in Ontario. Check with the relevant government agencies to identify and obtain the necessary permits. Ensure you get all the required permits and licenses, as operating a business without them can have serious consequences.

Understand Taxation and Finances:

You should know that you will pay taxes on your business as a business owner. So you must understand your tax obligations, including income tax, sales tax (GST/HST), and payroll taxes. Set up accounting systems to keep track of your finances and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Get Insured:

Obtain business insurance to protect your company against potential risks and liabilities. Check out the different insurance coverage and choose the one that best suits your business.

Set Up a Bank Account:

Open a business bank account to differentiate your personal and business finances. This is very important for a business’s survival.

Develop a Marketing Strategy:

After getting the necessary permits, insurance, and a bank account, the next is to create a marketing plan to meet your target audience and promote your business. You should establish a solid online presence by creating a professional website and interactive social media channels.

Hire Employees (if applicable):

If you plan to hire employees, familiarize yourself with employment laws, obtain necessary permits, and develop employment contracts.

Health and Safety Compliance:

Ensure your business complies with health and safety regulations to ensure a safe working environment for employees and customers.

Finalize Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

Double-check all legal and regulatory requirements, ensuring your business is fully compliant. Also, ensure you have all the equipment and products to begin running your business/

Launch Your Business:

Launch your business and begin operations once all the necessary steps are completed. You can make the launch loud or silent. It all depends on our choice.

Seun’s Top Pick

Business In Ontario

  • Starting a business in Ontario can be profitable if you have the right customer, knowledge, and mechanism to navigate the business efficiently.
  • You will get to know all you need to start a business in Ontario and the steps to take as you go further into the article.

What Are The Best Businesses To Start In Ontario?

Research and collect data from market demand and industry trends to determine the best businesses to start in Ontario. Also, your skills and interests can serve as a pointer on the aspects you will perform efficiently.

However, specific industries have shown resilience and growth in the region. Here are some business ideas that have potential in Ontario:

  1. Tech Startups:

Ontario has a thriving tech ecosystem, especially in Toronto and Waterloo. Starting a tech startup in software development, artificial intelligence, fintech, or e-commerce could be promising.

  1. Healthcare Services:

There is an increasing demand for healthcare services, including home healthcare, specialized clinics, mental health services, and telemedicine.

  1. Eco-Friendly Businesses:

With increasing environmental awareness, eco-friendly businesses with sustainable services or products like green consulting, renewable energy solutions, or zero-waste stores have good market potential.

  1. Personal Fitness and Wellness:

Wellness and fitness are evergreen industries. Consider starting a gym, yoga studio, or wellness center to cater to health-conscious individuals.

  1. Food and Beverage:

The food industry is always in demand. Explore opportunities like specialty restaurants, food trucks, catering services, or artisanal food production.

  1. Elderly Care Services:

As the population ages, there is a growing need for elderly care services, including senior care facilities, home care, and assisted living services.

  1. Online Education and Tutoring:

The online education market has seen significant growth, especially with the rise of remote learning. Offering online courses, tutoring, or educational platforms can be lucrative.

  1. Home Renovation and Remodeling:

Home renovation and remodeling services remain in demand as the real estate market thrives.

  1. Personal Services:

Personal coaching, event planning, pet grooming, and professional organizing can be popular.

How Can I Start A Business With No Money?

Starting a business with no money is challenging, but it’s not impossible. One of the ways to start a business with n money is to look for business ideas that require minimal upfront investment. Service-based businesses, freelancing, or online businesses are examples of options that often have low startup costs.

Also, you can go for a business that leverages your existing skills, knowledge, and resources. For instance, if you have graphic design, writing, or programming expertise, you can offer freelance services online.

Another way to start a business without money is to have a well-thought-out business plan. Outline your business idea, target market, marketing strategy, and projected revenue streams. A strong business plan can attract potential partners, investors, or lenders.

Additionally, you can talk to your friends and family about your business idea. They might be willing to invest or provide a loan to get you started.

Furthermore, you can join startup incubators or accelerator organizations that support and provide startup resources, including office space, mentorship, and investor access. You can research if there are any government grants, loans, or programs available for startups or entrepreneurs in your region.

Can I Start a Business In Canada As A Work Permit Holder?

Yes, you can start a business in Canada as a work permit holder. Canada has several pathways for foreign entrepreneurs and work permit holders to start and operate businesses there.

However, some work permits may have restrictions that limit the type of work you can do in Canada. Ensure that your work permit allows you to engage in self-employment or business activities. If your work permit is employer-specific, you may need to apply for a new work permit or modify your existing one to include authorization for self-employment or business ownership.

If you have an innovative business idea and have the support of a designated organization in Canada, it is advised that you apply for the Start-up Visa Program. This program allows you to immigrate to Canada as an entrepreneur and start a business.

How Much Tax Do I Pay As A Small Business In Ontario?

As a small business owner in Ontario, the amount of tax you pay will depend on your business structure and the taxable income your business generates. Small businesses in Ontario are subject to federal and provincial income taxes. The combined federal and Ontario provincial corporate income tax rate for small businesses earning less than $500,000 in taxable income was approximately 12.2%.

If your business’s total revenue (taxable supplies) exceeds a certain threshold, currently $30,000, you will be charged GST/HST on your goods and services. The GST rate is 5%, while the HST rate depends on the province, and in Ontario, it is 13% (combining the federal GST and the Ontario provincial portion).

If your business has employees, you’ll be responsible for deducting and remitting payroll taxes, including federal and provincial income tax, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, and Employment Insurance (EI) premiums.

Depending on your business activities, you may be subject to other taxes or levies, such as property taxes, excise taxes (e.g., alcohol or tobacco), or municipal taxes.

Seun’s Top Pick

Business In Ontario

  • Starting a business in Ontario can be profitable if you have the right customer, knowledge, and mechanism to navigate the business efficiently.
  • You will get to know all you need to start a business in Ontario and the steps to take as you go further into the article.

People Also Ask:

Do You Need A License To Operate A Business In Ontario?

Yes, in most cases, you will need a license to operate a business in Ontario. The specific licenses and permits required can differ depending on the nature of your business and the industry you’re operating. Obtaining the necessary licenses ensures your business complies with local, provincial, and federal regulations.

How Much Does It Cost To Register A Small Business In Ontario?

The cost of registering a small business in Ontario varies depending on several factors, such as the type of business structure you choose and the services or resources you utilize.

The cost for business name registration in Ontario is around $60 to $80, while if you are incorporating a business, the incorporation fee range from $300 to $800. Additionally, depending on your business’s industry, you might be required to get registered under some organizations and unions, which might cost some money.

Can A Foreigner Start A Business In Ontario?

Yes, a foreigner can start a legal business in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian government encourages foreign investment and entrepreneurship, making it relatively straightforward for non-residents to establish and operate businesses there.

Canada offers several immigration programs designed to attract foreign entrepreneurs and investors. The Start-up Visa Program and the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) are examples of pathways foreign entrepreneurs can explore to immigrate to Canada and start a business.


It is required that before starting a business in Ontario, you sit and ensure you have everything you need, as outlined in the article. For more specific requirements, it is advised that you consult a business lawyer.

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