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Toronto is the home of excellent and standardized schools that includes public, private, and faith-based schools. One of the most popular faith-based schools in Toronto is the Catholic school. The Catholic school is a faith-based school that aims at providing a holistic education that integrates religious and moral values with academic instruction to produce all-rounded individuals.

The catholic school covers elementary to university levels. Still, this article will look at the best Catholic elementary schools in Toronto designed to provide primary education (typically from kindergarten to grade 8) within the framework of the Catholic faith and teachings.

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Seun’s Top Pick

Best Catholic Elementary Schools In Toronto

  • Toronto is the home of excellent and standardized schools that includes public, private, and faith-based schools.
  • The Catholic school is a faith-based school that aims at providing a holistic education that integrates religious and moral values with academic instruction to produce all-rounded individuals.

5 Best Catholic Elementary Schools In Toronto

1. Saint Cecilia Catholic Elementary School

St. Cecilia CES is one of the best catholic elementary schools in Toronto, which has been in existence for 12 years and is known for its aim of producing highly intelligent students who are active Christians.

The school provides a conducive environment and sets of world-class facilities to ensure the students are comfortable and are taught the basics of the catholic faith. Also, St. Cecilia CES offers School-Day, an online cashless system that helps reduce cash handling and can be sued by teachers, parents, and office administrative staff.

2. Saint Joseph Catholic School

Saint Joseph Catholic School is among the most prestigious elementary schools that take preschool through 8th-grade students. They make use of sound and kind teachers in educating the students and ensure they develop their innate skills,

Additionally, they offer many extracurricular activities to help the kids develop an all-rounded excellence.

3. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Separate School

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Separate School is a Catholic elementary school at 1 1/2 Garfield Ave, Toronto, ON M4T 1E6. It is part of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), which operates Catholic schools within the city.

The principles of the school are formed in Catholic Faith, and they aim at helping the kids display self-esteem and self-respect and apply Christian values to life choices, challenges, and opportunities.

4. St. Martin Catholic School

Located at 55 Salisbury Ave, Toronto, is one of the best catholic elementary schools in Toronto, St. Martin Catholic School. St. Martin Catholic School is part of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (TCDSB), which operates Catholic schools within the city.

The schools offer a relaxing environment where the kids learn about the Catholic faith and excel academically. Their comprehensive education scope aims to produce morally sound intelligent students.

5. Saint Francis of Assisi Separate School

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School has been empowering and educating students to help them achieve their educational, spiritual, and social goals for over 60 years.

The school is situated at 80 Clinton St, Toronto, ON M6G 2Y3, Canada, and is one of the best schools to take your kids if you desire them to get holistic education.

What is the Cost of Tuition at Private Catholic Schools in Toronto

Private Catholic schools’ tuition fees in Toronto vary depending widely depending on factors such as the grade level, specific school, location, and the range of programs and services offered.

Tuition for elementary schools can vary from around $8,000 to $20,000 or more per year, while secondary school tuition is approximately $15,000 to $35,000 yearly.

Are Private Catholic Schools in Toronto Good?

Sunday School Kids reading the bible in Sunday School. children in catholic elementary school  stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Private Catholic schools in Toronto, like private schools in general, can offer a range of educational experiences and benefits. Private Catholic schools in Toronto are good because they strongly emphasize academic rigor and achievement, often offering challenging and enriched curriculum options.

Also, Catholic schools typically integrate faith-based values and teachings into their curriculum, promoting moral and ethical development alongside academic learning. Private Catholic schools often have smaller class sizes that produce individualized attention and a closer relationship between teachers and students.

Additionally, private Catholic schools offer various extracurricular activities, such as sports, arts, music, and clubs, which can contribute to a well-rounded education. They foster a close-knit community where students, parents, and teachers work together to create a supportive and nurturing environment.

Their focus on moral and character development helps students develop a strong sense of values, empathy, and responsibility which is highly valuable in society.

How to Choose A Good Catholic Elementary Schools In Toronto

Primary school kids, wearing school uniforms and backpacks, running on a walkway outside their school building, front view Primary school kids, wearing school uniforms and backpacks, running on a walkway outside their school building, front view children in elementary school stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Choosing a good Catholic elementary school in Toronto involves carefully researching various factors to ensure the school aligns with your family’s values and educational goals. Here are some steps to help you make an informed decision:

Research Schools:

Begin by compiling a list of Catholic elementary schools in Toronto. Look for information on their websites, including mission statements, academic programs, extracurricular activities, and any special features that set them apart.

Visit Schools:

Attend open houses or schedule visits to the schools on your list. This will give you a firsthand look at the campus, classrooms, facilities, and overall atmosphere. It’s also a chance to meet teachers, administrators, and other parents.

Consider Location:

Consider the school’s location to your home or work. A convenient location can reduce commuting time and make it easier for your child to participate in after-school activities.

Academic Programs:

Evaluate the school’s curriculum, teaching methods, and academic standards. Ask about class sizes, student-teacher ratios, and any advanced or specialized programs they offer.

Faith-Based Education:

Consider how the school integrates Catholic values and teachings into its curriculum. Inquire about religious education classes, sacramental preparation, and the emphasis on faith-based character development.

Seun’s Top Pick

Best Catholic Elementary Schools In Toronto

  • Toronto is the home of excellent and standardized schools that includes public, private, and faith-based schools.
  • The Catholic school is a faith-based school that aims at providing a holistic education that integrates religious and moral values with academic instruction to produce all-rounded individuals.

Extracurricular Activities:

Explore the range of extracurricular activities, such as sports, arts, music, clubs, and community service. These activities can contribute to a well-rounded education.

Parental Involvement:

Learn about the level of parental involvement the school encourages. This could include volunteering opportunities, parent-teacher associations, and other ways to engage with the school community.

Reputation and Reviews:

Research the school’s reputation within the community. Read online reviews and seek opinions from current or former students and parents.

Financial Considerations:

Consider tuition fees, as well as any additional costs for uniforms, books, supplies, and extracurricular activities. Inquire about financial aid or scholarship opportunities if needed.

Values Alignment:

Ensure that the school’s values align with your family’s values and priorities. Evaluate whether the school’s education and character development approach resonates with your beliefs.

Meet with School Officials:

Schedule meetings with school administrators, teachers, and staff to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. This can help you gauge their responsiveness and commitment to students’ well-being.

Are Catholic Schools Better in Toronto?

Whether Catholic schools are better in Toronto (or anywhere else) is subjective and can depend on various factors, including individual preferences, values, and goals. Catholic schools, like any educational institution, have strengths and areas for improvement. However, Catholic schools in Toronto have been known for maintaining high academic standards and achieving solid academic outcomes.

Also, the Catholic schools in Toronto are known for their value-based education that emphasizes character development, moral values, and spiritual growth. A Catholic school might be a good fit if you value a strong focus on ethics and faith-based teachings.

You should know that Catholic schools, like private schools, usually come with tuition costs. It’s essential to consider your budget and financial situation when evaluating catholic schools.

Are Catholic Schools Better than Public in Ontario?

Multiethnic children in a circle Closeup face of happy multiethnic children embracing each other and smiling at camera. Team of smiling kids embracing together in a circle. Portrait of young boy and pretty girls looking at camera. children in elementary school stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Whether Catholic schools are better than public schools in Ontario, or any other region, is complex, and I can’t say one is better. Catholic and public schools in Ontario offer quality education, and the ” better ” decision can be subjective. Here are some points to consider when comparing Catholic and public schools in Ontario:

Academic Performance:

Ontario’s Catholic and public schools are accountable to the same provincial curriculum standards and expectations. Academic performance can vary from school to school within each system.

Values and Faith-Based Education:

Catholic schools in Ontario provide a faith-based education that integrates religious teachings and values into the curriculum. If you value this type of education for your child, a Catholic school may be a better fit. Public school emphasis more on secular education and isn’t tied down to any religious belief.

Class Sizes:

Some private Catholic schools might have smaller class sizes and individualized attention. However, public schools have larger classes.

Diversity and Inclusivity:

Ontario public schools are secular and open to students of all backgrounds. Some parents prefer the diversity and inclusivity offered by public schools.

Extracurricular Activities:

Catholic and public schools offer a range of extracurricular activities, allowing students to explore their interests beyond academics.

Parental Involvement:

Some Catholic schools emphasize parental involvement and engagement in school activities. Public schools also encourage parent participation.


Catholic schools typically have tuition fees, whereas tax dollars fund public schools and do not charge tuition.

What Is the Curriculum of Catholic Elementary Schools In Toronto

Catholic elementary schools in Toronto, like other schools in Ontario, follow the Ontario Curriculum mandated by the Ministry of Education. The curriculum outlined knowledge and skills that students are expected to acquire in various subject areas and grade levels. Catholic elementary schools teach The Ontario Curriculum within Catholic teachings, values, and faith.

The curriculum in Catholic elementary schools covers the following key subject areas:

  • Religious Education
  • Language Arts (English and French)
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Health and Physical Education
  • The Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance)
  • Technology and Computer Studies

Are Catholic Schools in Toronto free?

Catholic schools in Toronto are not free. Unlike public schools, which are funded by tax dollars and provide free education to residents, Catholic schools in Ontario receive public funding but still charge tuition fees. However, the tuition fees for Catholic schools are typically lower than private schools since they receive partial government funding.

Can Non-Catholics go to Catholic Schools in Toronto?

Father and son going to kindergarten. Rear view of father who leads a little boy hand in hand to kindergarten. Father and son with backpack walking in schoolyard. children in elementary school stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images

Yes, non-Catholic students can attend Catholic schools in Toronto. In Ontario, including Toronto, Catholic schools are part of the publicly funded education system, and they are open to students of all faiths and backgrounds. This inclusivity results from how the province’s education system is structured and financed.

Catholic schools can admit non-Catholic students if there is space available after accommodating Catholic students from the designated attendance area. This means that non-Catholic students can enroll in Catholic schools if there are spots left after Catholic students have been admitted.

In cases with limited space, Catholic schools may prioritize Catholic students and those with a Catholic background. However, if spots are available, non-Catholic students can still be admitted. While non-Catholic students are welcome to attend Catholic schools, they may be required to participate in religious education classes and activities that are part of the curriculum. This helps maintain the Catholic character of the school.

Are Private Catholic Schools in Toronto Good?

Private Catholic schools in Toronto, like private schools in general, can offer a range of educational experiences and benefits. Private Catholic schools in Toronto are good because they strongly emphasize academic rigor and achievement, often offering challenging and enriched curriculum options.

Also, Catholic schools typically integrate faith-based values and teachings into their curriculum, promoting moral and ethical development alongside academic learning. Private Catholic schools often have smaller class sizes, individualized attention, and a closer relationship between teachers and students.

Additionally, private Catholic schools offer various extracurricular activities, including sports, arts, music, and clubs, which can contribute to a well-rounded education. They foster a close-knit community where students, parents, and teachers work together to create a supportive and nurturing environment.

Their focus on moral and character development helps students develop a strong sense of values, empathy, and responsibility which is highly valuable in society.

Seun’s Top Pick

Best Catholic Elementary Schools In Toronto

  • Toronto is the home of excellent and standardized schools that includes public, private, and faith-based schools.
  • The Catholic school is a faith-based school that aims at providing a holistic education that integrates religious and moral values with academic instruction to produce all-rounded individuals.

People Also Ask:

What is Tuition Fee at Private Catholic Schools in Toronto

Private Catholic schools” tuition fee is not generalized in Toronto. It differs depending on factors such as the grade level, specific school, location, and the range of programs and services offered.

Tuition for elementary schools can vary from around $8,000 to $20,000 or more per year, while secondary school tuition is approximately $15,000 to $35,000 yearly.

Are Catholic Elementary Schools Expensive to Attend in Toronto

No, Catholic elementary schools in Toronto are not expensive to attend because they charge lower tuition fees. They are generally more affordable than fully private schools because they receive partial government funding.

Are Catholic Schools in Toronto free?

Catholic schools in Toronto are not free. Unlike public schools, which are funded by tax dollars and provide free education to residents, Catholic schools in Ontario receive public funding but still charge tuition fees. However, the tuition fees for Catholic schools are typically lower than private schools since they receive partial government funding.


Catholic elementary schools are a good choice if you love your kids to gain holistic education that teaches Christian values and faith. In choosing a suitable school among the best catholic elementary schools in Toronto, carefully research each school and look at some significant factors like location, class size, extracurricular activities, and school environment.

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