ATTENTION: Perfect For Beginner Online Coaches, Facilitators, Mentors, Trainers, Consultants, Ebook & Course Creators
Who Want “To Create A Framework For A Profitable KNOWLEDGE Business”…

NEW!!! Create A"Step By Step" KNOWLEDGE business and scale To 5 Figures Per Month in 30 Days Using The Authority Brand System

Even If You’ve Tried Every Other GURU, Course, Or Outdated Program. You Can Literally Just
“Swipe And Deploy” My New Exact process To Create & Launch Your Own Wildly Profitably Knowledge Business and Get your first 20 Clients Easily

The Business You Want, The Clients You Attract, The Lifestyle You Desire Comes Down To What Funnels Is Right For You…

LIMITED TIME OFFER - $997.00 Value Special Offer Only $297! ONLY $47

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST (Recordings Will Be Posted For 24 Hours So You Can Watch At Your Convenience)

Join Now For Only $297.00
Right Now ONLY $47

Price jumps to $297 without warning. 

The Authority Brand Challenge is a "5 day Comprehensive Hands on Programme That Helps You Create A Unique solution As a Knowledge Based Product Creator" it's the definitive Simple, Easy, Step-By-Step guide to starting and growing a Unique Knowledge Framework that Can help you create Ebooks, Coaching Programmes, Online courses, Consultation Sessions for Your Online Coaching practice.
A Proven Step-By-Step System That Shows You Exactly How To Create Your Unique Knowledge based business that Represents Your Own Unique Knowledge and Experience Generating 5 figures Monthly

A Proven Step-By-Step System That Shows You Exactly How To Create Your Unique Knowledge based business that Represents Your Own Unique Knowledge and Experience Generating 5 figures Monthly

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You're Getting Today!

5 Days Step By Step Unique Solution system, by I.T                                                               ($4,997 Value)

A Unique solution system That Generates 5 figures for you Per Month                                 ($359 Value)

5 Different Products You To Start Earning From Immediately You Create This solution  ($359 Value)

Access To Daily Feedbacks On Each Days Challenge                                                    ($359 Value)

Total Value: $997 
Launch Price: $47.00
First 100 Members, You Can Join For
TODAY Only $47!

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST
(Recordings Will Be Posted For 24 Hours So You Can Watch At Your Convenience)

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST
Hosted inside private exclusive fb community + access replays for up to 24 hours.

BAD NEWS: It’s 2022, Pandemic Is Over, But The Recession Is Here…


Take Charge Of Getting Your Cashflow And Getting New Clients In Order.


Who Else Wants To Get Their First 1, 10,
100 & Even 1,000 New Clients In 2023?


Even if you have no experience with tech, marketing, funnels, no big email list, no big social media following & and can be run “from home” or anywhere else in the world!

My name Is Teacher I.T and I have Personally Created a Unique Solution System in the past 7 years, That Has Allowed me Impact My Partners while helping them generate Sales.

Please Check All Of The Questions Where Your Answer Is YES!

Then Continue Reading This Entire Letter...


The pandemic maybe over, but the recession is here, it’s your time to thrive and not just survive.


The harsh reality is some businesses will still be standing strong and thriving a year or two from now and many more won’t.

Which one will you be? What is the difference between the businesses that dominate in economic winter and those who merely survive? 

Here’s The Harsh Reality That Faces 98% Of Business Owners (New & Experienced) Face….


Most Offers, Funnels, Websites, Services & Products Aren’t Designed & Built To Scale. 

Most businesses do NOT get consistent traffic, leads or sales.

Because of this, there’s a lack of cashflow and clients the 2 keys needed for any business to succeed.


So they do NOT get evergreen, predictable, daily, hands off sales.


Does that make sense? Can you relate?


Business owners work harder than ever to fight for scraps. 98% of online businesses do NOT get new clients daily.


No one is coming to save you.


Now is the time to take FULL responsibility and take action. 


Generate Consistent New Customer Sales, Every Day…

Regardless Of Your Experience, Product, Price Point, Or Marketplace…


The solution lies in what I’ve pioneered as the HTA Funnels Methodology.

I’ve taught this to over 20,000+ people all over the world and now I want to teach it to you…


Join me for 5 days in a Workshop format to discover this for yourself so you can free yourself of the constant worries that business owners go through. 


You can literally go through the entire program in about 5-10 hours “On Demand”.


Humble brag; the results speak for themselves.


30M from selling digital Courses, Coaching, Consulting & Masterminds before I turned 30.  

Now it’s your turn to start your first 6 figure business then scale to your first 7 figures.


Your Host + Trainer;


Shaqir Hussyin, Founder of

Global Authority On Starting & Scaling Businesses.

Built 10 Brands to 7 figures & 3 to 8 figures.

Author, Backpack Millionaire 

Forbes Featured “Digital Trendsetter”

Hired As The #1 Authority on Engineering Funnels For Client Acquisition

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

FINALLY! A Real 8 Figure Empire Builder Reveals How You Can Get A Wildly Profitable "Digital Business" That's Pandemic Proof, Recession Proof & Crisis Proof Even If You Just Have An E-Mail Address...

This is all brand new content for 2022 Edition, recordings maybe sold for upto $3k-$5k later this year. You can join for just $47 Bucks TODAY!

Join Your New Adventure Of A Financial Lifetime With Shaqir Hussyin “World's HIGHEST PAID Online FUNNELS CONSULTANT” where clients pay 10K-200K+ EQUITY for coaching, consulting + sales funnel building...

And How YOU Can Practically Copy A Millionaire To Get To Your First (Or Next) 10K Monthly Starting 2022

Dear Future Empire Builder.

It’s your time now.

2022 is already here…

Here’s How You Can Turn Your Experience, Expertise, Knowledge Or Passion Into Online Courses & Digital Products You Can Sell For High Prices Online using

Whether you’re starting from scratch or you’re already successful looking to take your results to the next level.

Join me today.

The MOST important aspect of you building your entire business in 2022 comes down to a single word;

You’ve seen every single top guy, girl, guru, business leader, influencer (that actually makes money) all use Funnels.

Funnels is simply the process in which you turn strangers into clients.

Businesses that have boring, pretty & not converting websites are dead.

Websites are dying a slow painful death.

It’s been replaced already by the revolution of Funnels.

The big problem is business owners don’t have a system to get daily new clients.

Sales Funnels Challenge will show you step by step how to achieve this in just 5 days.

2022 is now here.

2020-2021 has taught everyone that you need multiple sources of EVERYTHING.

2022, Recession is here right now and you need to have multiple sources of traffic, conversions, clients and CASH.

Let me ask you a question before you read this entire letter:
Have you ever thought…
“How Do They All Get Big Results But NOT ME?”

As My Friend Russel Brunson Says “You’re ONE Funnel Away”.


I like to refer to these as “Digital Assets” because I was able to turn 45K into over 30M

before I turned 30 using this modern wealth creation system…

The thing is it sounds easy…

Too easy.

But if it was that easy why isn’t everyone’s funnels bringing them awards, clients and cash?

There’s alot more that happens behind just a “Funnel”.

GOOOROOS will want you to do 101 things so they can sell you never ending courses and rah rah seminars.

This is one of the reasons why instead of launching this as another 5k-15k program (like I’ve done very successfully over the years) I decided to charge a tiny contribution fee of just $47

As I look around the industry I see literally THOUSANDS of helpless and lost entrepreneurs because the truth is…

They are wasting time chasing shiny objects.

Chasing the “Next best deal” and flashy guru.

Only to leave you disappointed, heartbroken and confused.

Can you relate?

It’s NOT easy.

It’s NOT going to happen overnight.

It’s NOT going to work if you go at it alone.

Trust me, I’ve been there – it’s a lonely and long journey of endless days on end hammering away at the laptop and getting sucked into the next dirty shiny object tactic of the month from the latest rah rah gooroo…

Can you relate to what I’m sharing here?
I’ve decided to take a stand and show you the right way almost coming out of my semi retired lifestyle I’ve built to educate the industry…
Well I’m THE ONLY one who has won 3x 8 figure awards before I turned 30 years of age and I want to show you EXACTLY what it takes to build your first or next 6-7 figure funnel.

If you’re wanting to start a pandemic proof business.

If you want to develop scalable in demand skills.

If you want to make 2022 your absolute best year ever.

If you want to take control of your life and your bank account.

Then I’m talking to you.

If you are a entrepreneur, marketer and business owner and your business isn’t growing as fast as it should, or as you’d like I’m willing to bet that the REAL REASON you’re stuck isn’t what you think it is.
Yes, traffic costs are going up.
Yes, red bloody ocean everywhere you look and competition is fierce…
Yes, the current economic climate and pandemic has fundamentally changed the way we and work…
…but are any of these factors the REAL REASON you’re business is stuck?
I don’t think so.
In fact, I believe…
The REAL REASON your sales have slowed, stopped or been stuck
The REAL REASON your new product hasn’t launched or got momentum…
The REAL REASON you just flat out aren’t making the money that you deserve is
Your MARKETING is not SCALABLE AKA your “efforts” aren’t producing the results because it’s the wrong efforts on the wrong things.

Does that make sense?

Here’s the deal: Most “marketers” that you usually learn from either get lucky or work so hard they sacrifice everything to get to 6-7 figures…

Then they turn around and teach this instead of building real businesses that is scalable and systemised.

This is what I’ve mastered and how I went from zero to 6 figures, to 7 figures to 8 figures at only 26 years old and then before 30 generated multiple 8 figures.

All using the power of Sales Funnels.

As the pandemic hit and over 40Million Americans have filed for unemployment, UK just got into recession with nearly 1 million people unemployed…
ENOUGH CRAZINESS! I put my thinking hat on to figure out how to help as many people as I can…
You see in my previous “life” I hosted over 100+ events, seminars, conferences and workshops all over the world.
GUESS – What the number 1 question of all time was?
“How do I get to an extra 10K sales monthly?”.
Like whatever country you can think of, I’ve most likely hosted a event there.
They all want to achieve the same thing, more moolah, more time off and more fun!

SPECIFICALLY 10k monthly.

Then to 100K monthly and beyond.

So it got me thinking how can I help my challenge members achieve that?
Think about this.
Do you want to dramatically Start & Grow your business online, but you have NO IDEA where to actually start? Maybe you don’t even have a product / service or even any experience?
Do you have a business or company that’s been successful, but for some reason you’re feeling stuck and hit a sticking point with lack of sales?
Are you trying to figure out a way to reach more people, or have a bigger impact on the world?
Are you convinced that you need sales funnels, but you aren’t quite sure what steps to take?
Are you about to launch your next funnel, and want to make sure it’s a huge success!?!
Have You Ever Thought?
I wish someone would just show me STEP BY STEP on what to do and how to do it and WHY it should be in XYZ Way so I can actually start to build an only hyper profitable business with zero skills and zero technical know how?
Have You Ever Thought? 
I wish I can just get my first client and then I can just DUPLICATE IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
Well, you’re in luck my friend.
REALLY – You’re in luck.
Until now only the elite of the elite could afford my products/services by APPLICATION ONLY and fees often range from 40k-100K+ for my Funnels Services, but due to the current global pandemic I wanted to do something special and for the FIRST TIME EVER offer you my 5K+ program for just a tiny $47 fee.
Imagine, sitting down at your computer with a proven “Fill in the Blank” Funnel building system and within 5 days (or less)… 
Voila, you emerge with a brilliant sales funnel and a compelling offer.

Join Today For Only $297

Join Today For Only $47

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Who Is The 5 Days Funnels Challenge For Starting Up & Scaling Up For?

AT LAST! Smash Through Plateaus Holding You Back, End The Frustration & Overwhelm By Doubling Your Revenue With Wildly Profitable Online H.T.A Sales Funnels...

Join Today For $2,997.00

Join Today For Only $47

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Here's The Breakdown Of What You'll Discover Over 5 Days....

Day 1: Goldmine Discovery

You’ll discover how to identify your “Unique Advantage” traits that will give you the edge when it comes to your business.

These will set up the 5 Steps Prospect To Profits Awareness pyramid that CONVERTS cold Traffic To High Paying Clients. 

I discovered this jealously guarded secret in person from Michael Masterson AKA Mark Ford 68 years old and behind the Agora Financial Company that did 1.6Billion in a YEAR selling digital newsletters.

They are the behemoth in digital marketing publishing financial information.

Without this you’ll have CRICKETS and no one buying, this is biggest mistakes that 99% of newbies that aren’t making sales per month consistently do. No offense, if you make under 100K a year, I consider you a newbie. Using my HTA Formula I will give you the powers to join the Upper Echelons of marketers, they really don’t WANT you knowing this secret.

This isn’t just some rehashed information, this is battle tested TRANSFORMATIONAL content that is designed to create epiphanies, breakthroughs and instant clarity that takes you from Overwhelm To Cash Collecting Extra-Ordinaire.

Day 2: How To Get 24-7 Automatic Selling Machine (ASM) Deployed In Under 7 Minutes

This is the SINGLE BEST SECRET on scaling and I’ve been using it to build more than 10 different businesses & It’s Why I’m Able To OUTSPEND All Of My Competitors In Order To WIN A Customer… And How We’re Able To Run Paid Ads With NO Ad Budget!

(Case Study: How I got 7,198 booked phone calls for my High Ticket offers)  

Got this Little Known secret from the Legend, Dan Kennedy.

(I used this tactic to make myself an emergency 1.2Million)

Day #3: “Get Money Now” Word For Word Enrollment Scripts

Day #4: The HOLY GRAIL Funnels & Fill In The Blanks EP System

The Step-By-Step FRAMEWORK Over 100,000+ Entrepreneurs Are Using To Get All Of Their Funnels Built, Without Needing To Be A “Techie”, Or Know A Single Line Of Code…

This is How I Get 3K, 10K, 40K & Even 100K+ Clients.
(Btw, whilst I was writing this letter another cash injection of 3,5K just came in!)

Day #5: Launch Revolution, Get Paid What You're Worth & The Ultimate 90 Days Fast-Track To

This is all brand new for 2022…

This will give birth to a whole NEW breed of Entrepreneurs (Agency Owners/ Coaches / Consultants / Advisors/ Business Owners”…

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Free Yourself From the Shackles Of The Economic Slavery & Entrepreneurial Hostage-Ness”

Imagine, a business you can run from anywhere that works without you having to be a slave to your computer.

Imagine a funnel that consistently converts cold leads into buyers and (finally) puts you in a position to enjoy both financial and time freedom.  

Now Imagine the pride of literally conjuring cash out of thin air, creating a compelling funnel that sucks cash out of your list, your visitors, and quadrupling your ads’ ROI so you can actually start living life instead of being chained 15-18 hours behind the computer whilst sacrificing family, life, energy, health and your love life. 
Let’s get real. 
Most entrepreneurs have no idea what they are doing and relying on HOPE marketing vs creating a system around sales funnels that helps give them life instead of taking life away from them. 
“Sales Funnels Is the Only Way Left For You To Free Yourself From the Shackles Of The Economic Slavery & Entrepreneurial Hostage-Ness” 

If you fit into any of the above categories, join my 5 Day Challenge today.

Totally with nothing to lose.

Here's 4 Extra Bonus Videos Added In For You...

VIDEO 1: Reposition Your Existing Knowledge To Attract High Ticket Clients

Are you charging less for your products and dealing with more stress?

In this uncut insight class with Dean Graziosi, NYT Best Seller shares how to “SKILLS UP” you’ll discover how to reposition the knowledge you already have to turn it to charge more to your clients.

Dean Graziosi is a multiple New York Times best selling author, entrepreneur, and investor. He has started or has been involved in 13+ companies that have changed all around the world.

For over 20 years Dean has been dedicated to delivering self-education to those seeking transformation and success outside the normal path of traditional education.

VIDEO 2: How To Grow Your Business During Times Of Uncertainty & Recession

Already got a business but STUCK and want to GROW?

Jay Abraham is known as the 21Billion Man and mentor to ALL Mentors. He talks about navigating the ‘START UP’ stages even during pandemic times.

Jay has spent his entire career solving complex problems and fixing underperforming businesses. He has significantly increased the bottom lines of over 10,000 clients in more than 1,000 industries, and over 7,200 sub industries, worldwide. Jay has dealt with virtually every type of business scenario and issue.

What Jay has an uncanny ability to increase business income, wealth and success by looking at the situations from totally different paradigms.

VIDEO 3: How To Buy Other People’s Business With Practically Zero Money?

Roland Frasier, principle of Digital Market talks about uncovering hidden profit levers that you can tap into for creating wealth beyond a lifetime.

Co-founder and/or principal of 5 different Inc. Magazine fastest growing companies (e-commerce, e-learning, SaaS + real estate).

Serial entrepreneur who built or sold 24 businesses with adjusted sales ranging from 3 million to just under 4 billion.

Roland’s Masterclass is on how to “SCALE UP” using multiple profit centres from one single transaction.

Real Life Case Study Breakdown included on how he did this creating windfall profits that ANYONE can model right now.
(Footage taken from a private 5K event hosted in London)

VIDEO 4: The 5 Step Handsfree System I Use To Make Up to $30,000 Per Day With Tiny Little Products

In this exclusive video I share the principles that I use to create passive cashflow on demand paydays that once discovered can help anyone add an extra “Scalable Income Skill”.

After building 10 brands to over 7 figures each, 3 of them to 8 figures each before the age of 30 I’ve pioneered multiple TRUE & TESTED systems that scales.

This video is one masterclass on how I run a business division with less than 60 mins a week.

Being Featured on Forbes as a Digital Trendsetter and surpassing 7 Figures a month at 28 years old.

Here's Just 3 Real Life Examples of Others I've Helped With My HTA Funnels Formula To Start Their Own Pandemic Proof Business

Ankur Aggarwal

Zero To $180,000 In Less Than 6 Months. 5 Years Later, Over $20Million In Sales… Ex-Software Engineer Turns Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Becca Barry

NASA Business strategist. Tried everything, spent 2 days with Shaqir & generated over $100,000 her first 6 months when nothing else worked

Ian Billingham

Emotional story of how he rose from the ashes, travelling and living the financial freedom by leveraging a system taught by Shaqir Hussyin

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You're Getting Today!

5 Days Step By Step Live Training with Funnels Expert; Shaqir Hussyin                        ($4,997 Value)

Million Dollar Marketing Exercises, worksheets, templates & Tools                                  ($359 Value)

Breakdown Of Case Studies With Our TOP 7 Figure Successful Students                        ($359 Value)

FAST ACTION BONUS Masterclass TRAINING                                                                                  ($359 Value)

Master Class BONUS SESSION 1:

Private Masterclass From Russell Brunson on Traffic Secrets.......

($359 Value)

Master Class BONUS SESSION 2:

Roland Frasier - Achieving your 3 years goals in 3 months..........

($359 Value)

Master Class BONUS SESSION 3:

Jay Abraham - Strategic Profit Secrets.................................

($359 Value)

Total Value: $997 

TODAY Offer Only $47!

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Launch Price: $2,997
Join Today For Only $47 😱

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Who is your presenter; Shaqir Husssyin?

Quoted by Dan Pena on the Joe Rogan Podcast as one of the top 5 online marketers ever, Shaqir Hussyin is the founder and CEO of &

Nicknamed the “Backpack Millionaire” for travelling over 65+ countries before the age of 30, he’s a product of what he teaches, he’s invested $500,000 into building his network, joining masterminds, and getting coaching & consulting from the world’s best to become the best.

Since 2009, over 1,500,000+ Email Subscribers and members have joined the Online Profits Daily Newsletter. Shaqir and his team have hosted over 150+ events all over the world.

Featured on Forbes as a “Digital Trendsetter”, Home Business Connection and many leading websites. Known as the Backpack Millionaire for travelling 67+ countries and running an 8 figure business (soon to be 9 figures).

Shaqir has quickly become the go-to authority in the areas of High Ticket Marketing, Digital Publishing, Events & Seminars, Email Marketing, Sales Funnels, Webinars and Online Marketing.

Clients pay 10k, 40k and even 100K for personal Coaching & Mentoring With Shaqir Hussyin.

World’s ONLY 3x 2 Comma Club X (8 Figures Each) Winner UNDER 30 Years Old.

Come By & Learn From A No Fluff, All Results Focused Mentor....

100K Year Turns To 100K Months, To 100K Weeks To 100K Days, Sometimes 100K Hours...

PLEASE NOTE: My results are not typical, no way I’m I guaranteeing you this result or any result whatsoever, this took me 7 years of hard work, focus, investing in myself to get there, unfortunately most people don’t even know what is hard work. If you’re looking to do nothing and “GET RICH QUICK OVERNIGHT” this isn’t for you and I can’t help you. 



5 Day Funnels Challenge PREPARATION BUNDLE

– Value $9,996.82 –

Claim Your 7x FAST ACTION BONUSES For Joining Right Now.

Total Value: $9,996.82 

Launch Price: $2,997
Join TODAY For Only $47!

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

What Some Of Shaqir's
Student's Are Saying

NASA Business Strategist 6 Figures In 6 Months Becca Barry, Texas

Becca Barry – Texas, USA, NASA Business strategist. Tried everything, spent 2 days with Shaqir & generated over 100K herfirst 6 months.

7 Figure Surfer Scott Smith - Australia

Scott Smith – 8 Figures In Sales Sydney, Australia, Internet marketer for years & became an 8-Figure sales earner after meeting Shaqir & learned his teachings.

Zero To 600K With Shaqir's Mentoring, Rayyan - Canada

650K+ In Sales After Attending 2 Day Intensive. Working with Shaqir Hussyin and have come to generate over 650K USD in ecommerce sales in one year.

Financial Planner
Tony - UK

Tony Ashbolt, Financial Planner 60K First 4 Months, Financial, Builds His Current Business to 7 Figures+

Ian Billingham - HongKong

Ian Billingham – HongKong Living the financial freedom by leveraging a system taught by Shaqir Hussyin

Paul Lynch - UK

Paul Lynch – Ex-Footballer Blackburn, Followed Shaqir’s training and generated over 10M in sales which enable him to the life he always dreamed of.

Over 10,000+ Clients Served Globally.

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Questions & Answers

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Join Today For Only $2.997.00
Join Today For Only $47 😱

Date & Time : Nov 3rd - Nov 7th, 2022 | 6PM EST - 7PM EST

Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Earnings Disclaimer

Copyright © . All Rights Reserved.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

We don’t believe in overnight get rich programs – only in hard work, adding value and serving others. This event will help you get the clarity you have not got yet to succeed online. Our programs / seminars / live events / workshops are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while starting or growing your business. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. 
We don’t know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction and strategies that move you forward. Nothing on this page or any of our websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings – all numbers are illustrative only. 
This no way guarantees you, or anyone will make money simply by attending this event or buying anything online for that matter. Anyway, all of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the link below. It’s all the regular legal mumbo jumbo but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by today. I appreciate you, make this happen for you!
All the best. – Shaqir
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